Ignatius, Letters. To the Ephesians

LCL 24: 214-215

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along with Armenian, Syriac, and Coptic versions, contain the interpolated texts of the seven letters mentioned by Eusebius as well as some or all of the additional forged letters. The following are the surviving witnesses to the middle recension.

For the letters except Romans:

  • Greek MSS:
    • Mediceo-Laurentianus 57,7 (11th c.)
    • Berlin papyrus, Codex 10581(5th c., Smyr. 3.3–12:1)
  • Latin MSS:
    • Caiensis 395 (= L1)
    • Montacutianus (now lost) (= L2)

There are also three Syriac fragments, an Armenian extraction from the Syriac, an Arabic extraction from the Syriac, and two Coptic fragments (Trallians, Philippians, Romans 1–5.2; 2–9.1, Smyrneans 1–6, Polycarp 7.2–8.3) along with quotations in Eusebius.

Romans had a separate history of transmission. See below under abbreviations.

Abbreviations in the Apparatus For All the Letters Except Romans
GGreek text of the middle recension (Codex Medicio-Laurentianus)
gGreek text of the long recension (i.e., the interpolated manuscripts)
PBerlin Papyrus (middle recension, of Smyrn. 3.3 - 12.1)
LLatin text of the middle recension
lLatin text of the long recension (i.e., the interpolated manuscripts)


AArmenian version
CCoptic version
SSyriac text of the short recension (of Ephesians, Romans, and Polycarp)
Sffragments of the Syriac version
For Romans
GCodex Parisiensis (10th-11th c.)
HCodex Hierosolymitanus (10th c.)
KCodex Siniaiticus (10th c.)
TCodex Taurinensis (13th c.)
zcombined witness of GHKT
MGreek text of the letter, as found in the Martyrdom of Ignatius by Metaphrastes
SmSyriac version of the letter, as preserved in the Martyrdom of Ignatius
AmArmenian version of the letter, as preserved in the Martyrdom of Ignatius

g L l A C S Sf: same as for the other letters

Select Bibliography
  • Barnard, Leslie W. “The Background of St. Ignatius of Antioch.” VC 17 (1963) 193–206.
  • Barrett, Charles K. “Jews and Judaizers in the Epistles of Ignatius.” In Jews, Greeks and Christians: Religious Cultures in Late Antiquity, ed. R. Hammerton-Kelly and R. Scroggs. Leiden: Brill, 1976; 220–44.
  • Camelot, P. T. Ignace d’Antioche: Lettres. Lettres et Martyre de Polycarpe de Smyrne. 4th ed. SC, 10. Paris: Cerf, 1969.
DOI: 10.4159/DLCL.ignatius-letters_ephesians.2003