Josephus, The Jewish War, Volume III

LCL 210: 437

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The Principal Additional Passages In the Slavonic Version

The first nineteen of these passages are translated from the German rendering of the Slavonic version produced by the late Dr. Berendts and Dr. Grass, Flavius Josephus vom Jüdischen Kriege, Buck i-iv, nach der slavischen Übersetzung, Dorpat, Teil i, 1924–1926, Teil ii, 1927; the last three passages from Dr. Berendts’ translation in Texte und Untersuchungen, Neue Folge, vol. xiv, 1906. The history of these passages is obscure. They include some obvious Christian interpolationsa; on the other hand, the Slavonic version, in which they are found, has been thought by some scholars to have preserved, at least in part, the author’s original draft of the Jewish War, The reader is referred to a forthcoming work of Dr. Robert Eisler, “The Messiah Jesus and John the Baptist, as described in the unpublished ‘Capture of Jerusalem’ of Flavius Josephus and the Christian sources,” of which an English edition will shortly be published by Messrs. Methuen, and an American edition by Lincoln MacVeagh (The Dial Press). The writer is greatly indebted to Dr. Eisler for assistance in the preparation of this Appendix. Notes which he has kindly supplied are indicated by the initials R. E.

(1) Herod’s Dream [i. 328, inserted after προσημαίνουσιν.]

(But when Herod was in Antioch, he saw a dream which