Recent Loebs (June 2023)

March 1, 2023

Testimonia. Origines
Orations. Other Fragments
Edited and Translated by Gesine Manuwald
Testimonia. Origines M. Porcius Cato (234–149 BC) remains legendary for his political and military career, his integrity and austere morality, his literary works, his pithy sayings, and his drive to define and to champion the Roman national character. This edition supplies all testimonia about, and all fragments by or attributed to him.
Lives of the Sophists. Lives of Philosophers and Sophists
Edited and Translated by Graeme Miles and Han Baltussen
Philostratus. Eunapius Philostratus “the Elder” or “the Athenian” (second to mid-third c.) and Eunapius (ca. 345–415) provide fascinating intellectual and professional biographies of notable sophists that reveal their predominant influence in the educational, social, religious, and political life of the Empire in their times.
