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August 20, 2024
Edited and Translated by A. J. Woodman |
The histories of Velleius Paterculus chronicle the story of Rome and Roman culture from the fall of Troy to AD 30, providing much valuable information especially about the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius (30 BC–AD 37), for which he provides our only extant historical depiction by a contemporary witness. This edition replaces that of F. W. Shipley, offering a new translation, ample annotation, and a freshly edited text. |
March 1, 2024
Fragmentary Speeches |
Edited and Translated by Jane W. Crawford and Andrew R. Dyck |
Cicero (Marcus Tullius, 106–43 BC), Roman advocate, orator, politician, poet, and philosopher, about whom we know more than we do of any other Roman, lived through the stirring era that saw the rise, dictatorship, and death of Julius Caesar in a tottering republic. This edition, based upon Crawford’s of 1994, includes all speeches with attested fragments, together with testimonia. |
Epitome of Pompeius Trogus, Volumes I–II |
Edited and Translated by J. C. Yardley, with Introduction and Notes by Dexter Hoyos |
To Justin is attributed our abbreviated version of the lost Philippic History by Pompeius Trogus, a massive account of the non-Roman world and its civilizations. Justin’s anthology became one of the most widely read and influential books in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, indeed the main authority on world history other than Roman, surviving in more than 200 manuscripts. |
December 12, 2023
Placita |
Edited and Translated by Jaap Mansfeld and David T. Runia |
Aëtius’ Placita (ca. AD 100) is a reconstructed compendium summarizing the principal doctrines and opinions of the Greek philosophers, which served as a multi-purpose manual both for study and for personal enlightenment and which remains a valuable source for our knowledge of Presocratic and Hellenistic philosophy. |
Volume II |
Edited and Translated by Paul Potter |
Volume II of the Loeb Hippocrates presents eight works by or attributed to the “Father of Medicine” that illustrate the value of medical theory and clinical methods, and propose a new model of medical education. Included are Prognostic, Regimen in Acute Diseases, The Sacred Disease, The Art, Breaths, Law, Decorum, and Dentition. |
Philosophical Orations, Volumes I–II |
Edited and Translated by William H. Race |
Maximus of Tyre’s forty-one Philosophical Orations offer a Platonic elucidation of the philosophical life of virtue, and a rich collection of the famous philosophical, literary, and historical figures, events, ideas, successes, and failures that constituted Greek paideia in the so-called Second Sophistic era. |
March 1, 2023
Testimonia. Origines |
Orations. Other Fragments |
Edited and Translated by Gesine Manuwald |
M. Porcius Cato (234–149 BC) remains legendary for his political and military career, his integrity and austere morality, his literary works, his pithy sayings, and his drive to define and to champion the Roman national character. This edition supplies all testimonia about, and all fragments by or attributed to him. |
Lives of the Sophists. Lives of Philosophers and Sophists |
Edited and Translated by Graeme Miles and Han Baltussen |
Philostratus “the Elder” or “the Athenian” (second to mid-third c.) and Eunapius (ca. 345–415) provide fascinating intellectual and professional biographies of notable sophists that reveal their predominant influence in the educational, social, religious, and political life of the Empire in their times. |
January 4, 2023
Aetia. Iambi. Lyric Poems |
Hecale. Hymns. Epigrams |
Miscellaneous Epics and Elegies. Other Fragments. Testimonia |
Edited and Translated by Dee L. Clayman |
The prolific scholar-poet Callimachus of Cyrene spent his career at the royal court and great Library at Alexandria. Creatively reworking the language and generic properties of his predecessors, Callimachus developed a distinctive style, learned and elegant, that became an important model for subsequent poets both Greek and Roman. |
Livius Andronicus. Naevius. Caecilius |
Edited and Translated by Robert Maltby and Niall W. Slater |
Livius Andronicus, Naevius, and Caecilius were highly influential pioneers in the creation and development of Latin poetry, especially tragedy, comedy, historical drama, and epic, not only in the adaptation of Greek models but also in the inclusion of Roman allusions, subjects, and themes. |
November 1, 2022
Find it faster! The digital Loeb Classical Library's much-anticipated Enhanced Navigation feature is now available. With this new tool, subscribers can access custom divisions for each work in the Library. For further details, consult our updated guidance on Browsing the Library. |
August 31, 2022
Find it faster! General Editor Jeffrey Henderson previews the digital Loeb Classical Library's much-anticipated Enhanced Navigation feature, coming in November 2022. Soon subscribers will be able to access custom divisions for each work in the Library. Watch the video here. |
July 20, 2022
The digital Loeb Classical Library will be temporarily unavailable on Wednesday, July 27 for routine maintenance. We do not anticipate the outage to last more than a few hours. Many thanks in advance for your patience and understanding while we prepare for the launch of Enhanced Navigation (coming Fall 2022). |
July 12, 2022
Volume I |
Edited and Translated by Paul Potter |
Volume I of the Loeb Hippocrates presents an exemplary selection of works by or attributed to the “Father of Medicine” that illustrate his fundamental contributions to the theory, philosophy, and practice of medicine. Included are Ancient Medicine; Airs, Waters, Places; Epidemics 1 and 3; Precepts; Nutriment; and the famous Hippocratic Oath. |
Volumes I–III |
Translated by David Magie |
Revised by David Rohrbacher |
The Historia Augusta is a biographical collection written by a single author under six pseudonyms that covers the lives of the Roman emperors from Hadrian (r. 117–138) to Carinus (283–285). While it is our most detailed surviving source for this period, it has more value as an enigmatic work of literary fiction than as history. |
Lysis. Symposium. Phaedrus |
Edited and Translated by Chris Emlyn-Jones and William Preddy |
Works in this volume explore the relationship between two people known as love (erōs) or friendship (philia). In Lysis, Socrates meets two young men at a wrestling school; in Symposium, he joins a company of accomplished men at a drinking party; and in Phaedrus, experimental speeches about love lead to a discussion of rhetoric. |
April 4, 2022
Find it faster! General Editor Jeffrey Henderson previews the digital Loeb Classical Library's much-anticipated Enhanced Navigation feature, coming in Fall 2022. Soon subscribers will be able to access custom divisions for each work in the Library. Watch the video here. |
You're looking at 1–10 of 28 items.