
You are looking at 1 - 10 of 57 items for :

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Apollonius of Rhodes Argonautica

Uri: /apollonius_rhodes-argonautica/2009/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.apollonius.of.rhodes
letter: letter.A
library: library.greek
period: period.300to200BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.epic
subject: subject.geography
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Apollonius of Rhodes
Sort key: argonautica
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.apollonius_rhodes-argonautica.2009
Volume edition date: 20090101

Apollonius of Rhodes Fragments

Uri: /apollonius_rhodes-fragments/2009/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.apollonius.of.rhodes
letter: letter.A
library: library.greek
period: period.300to200BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.epic
subject: subject.geography
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Apollonius of Rhodes
Sort key: fragments
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.apollonius_rhodes-fragments.2009
Volume edition date: 20090101

Asius Epic Fragments

Uri: /asius-epic_fragments/2003/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.asius
letter: letter.A
library: library.greek
period: period.700to600BC
period: period.600to500BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.antiquarian
subject: subject.epic
subject: subject.mythography
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Asius
Sort key: epic fragments
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.asius-epic_fragments.2003
Volume edition date: 20030101

Chersias Testimonia and Fragment

Uri: /chersias-testimonia_fragment/2003/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.chersias
letter: letter.C
library: library.greek
period: period.700to600BC
period: period.600to500BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.antiquarian
subject: subject.epic
subject: subject.mythography
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Chersias
Sort key: testimonia and fragment
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.chersias-testimonia_fragment.2003
Volume edition date: 20030101

Cinaethon Testimonia and Fragments

Uri: /cinaethon-testmonia_fragments/2003/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.cinaethon
letter: letter.C
library: library.greek
period: period.700to600BC.uncertain
period: period.600to500BC.uncertain
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.antiquarian
subject: subject.epic
subject: subject.mythography
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Cinaethon
Sort key: testimonia and fragments
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.cinaethon-testmonia_fragments.2003
Volume edition date: 20030101

Creophylus The Capture of Oichalia

Uri: /creophylus-capture_oichalia/2003/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.creophylus
letter: letter.C
library: library.greek
period: period.800to700BC.uncertain
period: period.700to600BC
period: period.600to500BC
period: period.500to400BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.epic
subject: subject.mythography
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Creophylus
Sort key: capture of oichalia
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.creophylus-capture_oichalia.2003
Volume edition date: 20030101

Dio Chrysostom Discourses 53. On Homer

Uri: /dio_chrysostom-discourses_53_homer/1946/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.dio.chrysostom
letter: letter.D
library: library.greek
period: period.1to100AD
period: period.100to200AD
form: form.prose
subject: subject.epic
subject: subject.doxography
subject: subject.literarycriticism
subject: subject.oratoryliterary
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Dio Chrysostom
Sort key: discourses 00053 on homer
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.dio_chrysostom-discourses_53_homer.1946
Volume edition date: 19460101

Ennius Annals

Uri: /ennius-annals/2018/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.ennius
letter: letter.E
library: library.latin
period: period.300to200BC
period: period.200to100BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.epic
subject: subject.history
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Ennius
Sort key: annals
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.ennius-annals.2018
Volume edition date: 20180101

Ennius Annals (Doubtful Fragments)

Uri: /ennius-annals_dubia/2018/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.ennius
letter: letter.E
library: library.latin
period: period.300to200BC
period: period.200to100BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.epic
subject: subject.history
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Ennius
Sort key: annals doubtful fragments
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.ennius-annals_dubia.2018
Volume edition date: 20180101

Ennius Annals (Unplaced Fragments)

Uri: /ennius-annals_incerta/2018/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.ennius
letter: letter.E
library: library.latin
period: period.300to200BC
period: period.200to100BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.epic
subject: subject.history
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Ennius
Sort key: annals unplaced fragments
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.ennius-annals_incerta.2018
Volume edition date: 20180101