
You are looking at 1 - 10 of 25 items for :

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Aratus Phaenomena

Uri: /aratus-phaenomena/1921/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.aratus
letter: letter.A
library: library.greek
period: period.400to300BC
period: period.300to200BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.astronomy
subject: subject.didactic
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Aratus
Sort key: phaenomena
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.aratus-phaenomena.1921
Volume edition date: 19210101

Cato On Agriculture

Uri: /cato-agriculture/1934/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.cato
letter: letter.C
library: library.latin
period: period.300to200BC
period: period.200to100BC
form: form.prose
subject: subject.agriculture
subject: subject.didactic
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Cato
Sort key: on agriculture
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.cato-agriculture.1934
Volume edition date: 19340101

Cato Other Fragments

Uri: /cato-fragments/2023/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.cato
letter: letter.C
library: library.latin
period: period.300to200BC
period: period.200to100BC
form: form.prose
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.didactic
subject: subject.militaryscience
subject: subject.ethics
subject: subject.letters
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Cato
Sort key: other fragments
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.cato-fragments.2023
Volume edition date: 20230101

Claudian Shorter Poems

Uri: /claudian_claudianus-shorter_poems/1922/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.claudian.claudianus
letter: letter.C
library: library.latin
period: period.300to400AD
period: period.400to500AD
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.didactic
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Claudian
Sort key: shorter poems
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.claudian_claudianus-shorter_poems.1922
Volume edition date: 19220101

Empedocles Testimonia, Part 1: Person (P)

Uri: /empedocles-person/2016/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.empedocles
letter: letter.E
library: library.greek
period: period.500to400BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.astronomy
subject: subject.biography
subject: subject.didactic
subject: subject.naturalhistory
subject: subject.medicine
subject: subject.meteorology
subject: subject.philosophy
subject: subject.physics
subject: subject.theology
subject: subject.zoology
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Empedocles
Sort key: testimonia part 00001 person p
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.empedocles-person.2016
Volume edition date: 20160101

Empedocles Testimonia, Part 2: Doctrine (D)

Uri: /empedocles-doctrine/2016/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.empedocles
letter: letter.E
library: library.greek
period: period.500to400BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.astronomy
subject: subject.didactic
subject: subject.naturalhistory
subject: subject.medicine
subject: subject.meteorology
subject: subject.philosophy
subject: subject.physics
subject: subject.theology
subject: subject.zoology
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Empedocles
Sort key: testimonia part 00002 doctrine d
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.empedocles-doctrine.2016
Volume edition date: 20160101

Empedocles Testimonia, Part 3: Reception (R)

Uri: /empedocles-reception/2016/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.empedocles
letter: letter.E
library: library.greek
period: period.500to400BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.astronomy
subject: subject.didactic
subject: subject.naturalhistory
subject: subject.medicine
subject: subject.meteorology
subject: subject.philosophy
subject: subject.physics
subject: subject.theology
subject: subject.zoology
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Empedocles
Sort key: testimonia part 00003 reception r
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.empedocles-reception.2016
Volume edition date: 20160101

Ennius Minor Works

Uri: /ennius-minora/2018/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.ennius
letter: letter.E
library: library.latin
period: period.300to200BC
period: period.200to100BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.dialogue
subject: subject.didactic
subject: subject.encomium
subject: subject.epigram
subject: subject.ethics
subject: subject.philosophy
subject: subject.satire
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Ennius
Sort key: minor works
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.ennius-minora.2018
Volume edition date: 20180101

Grattius Cynegetica

Uri: /grattius-cynegetica/1934/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.grattius
letter: letter.G
library: library.latin
period: period.100BCto1AD
period: period.1to100AD
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.didactic
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Grattius
Sort key: cynegetica
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.grattius-cynegetica.1934
Volume edition date: 19340101

Hesiod Works and Days

Uri: /hesiod-works_days/2018/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.hesiod
letter: letter.H
library: library.greek
period: period.800to700BC.uncertain
period: period.700to600BC.uncertain
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.agriculture
subject: subject.didactic
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Hesiod
Sort key: works and days
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.hesiod-works_days.2018
Volume edition date: 20180101