
You are looking at 1 - 10 of 198 items for :

  • 300 BC – 200 BC x
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Aeneas Tacticus Attestations and Fragments

Uri: /aeneas_tacticus-attestations_fragments/1928/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.aeneas.tacticus
letter: letter.A
library: library.greek
period: period.300to200BC
period: period.200to100BC
period: period.100BCto1AD
period: period.1to100AD
period: period.100to200AD
period: period.200to300AD
period: period.300to400AD
period: period.400to500AD
form: form.prose
subject: subject.militaryscience
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Aeneas Tacticus
Sort key: attestations and fragments
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.aeneas_tacticus-attestations_fragments.1928
Volume edition date: 19280101

Alexander of Aetolia Fragments

Uri: /alexander_aetolia-fragments/2010/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.alexander.of.aetolia
letter: letter.A
library: library.greek
period: period.400to300BC
period: period.300to200BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.elegiac
subject: subject.tragedy
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Alexander of Aetolia
Sort key: fragments
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.alexander_aetolia-fragments.2010
Volume edition date: 20100101

Alexander of Aetolia Testimonia

Uri: /alexander_aetolia-testimonia/2010/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.alexander.of.aetolia
letter: letter.A
library: library.greek
period: period.400to300BC
period: period.300to200BC
form: form.prose
subject: subject.elegiac
subject: subject.tragedy
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Alexander of Aetolia
Sort key: testimonia
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.alexander_aetolia-testimonia.2010
Volume edition date: 20100101

Apollonius of Perga Mathematical Works

Uri: /apollonius-perga-mathematical_works/1941/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.apollonius.of.perga
letter: letter.A
library: library.greek
period: period.300to200BC
form: form.prose
subject: subject.mathematics
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Apollonius of Perga
Sort key: mathematical works
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.apollonius-perga-mathematical_works.1941
Volume edition date: 19410101

Apollonius of Rhodes Argonautica

Uri: /apollonius_rhodes-argonautica/2009/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.apollonius.of.rhodes
letter: letter.A
library: library.greek
period: period.300to200BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.epic
subject: subject.geography
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Apollonius of Rhodes
Sort key: argonautica
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.apollonius_rhodes-argonautica.2009
Volume edition date: 20090101

Apollonius of Rhodes Fragments

Uri: /apollonius_rhodes-fragments/2009/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.apollonius.of.rhodes
letter: letter.A
library: library.greek
period: period.300to200BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.epic
subject: subject.geography
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Apollonius of Rhodes
Sort key: fragments
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.apollonius_rhodes-fragments.2009
Volume edition date: 20090101

Aratus Phaenomena

Uri: /aratus-phaenomena/1921/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.aratus
letter: letter.A
library: library.greek
period: period.400to300BC
period: period.300to200BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.astronomy
subject: subject.didactic
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Aratus
Sort key: phaenomena
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.aratus-phaenomena.1921
Volume edition date: 19210101

Archimedes Mathematical Works

Uri: /archimedes-mathematical_works/1941/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.archimedes
letter: letter.A
library: library.greek
period: period.300to200BC
form: form.prose
subject: subject.mathematics
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Archimedes
Sort key: mathematical works
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.archimedes-mathematical_works.1941
Volume edition date: 19410101

Aristarchus of Samos Mathematical Works

Uri: /aristarchus_samos-mathematical_works/1941/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.aristarchus.of.samos
letter: letter.A
library: library.greek
period: period.400to300BC
period: period.300to200BC
form: form.prose
subject: subject.mathematics
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Aristarchus of Samos
Sort key: mathematical works
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.aristarchus_samos-mathematical_works.1941
Volume edition date: 19410101

Caecilius Comedies

Uri: /caecilius-plays/2022/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.caecilius
letter: letter.C
library: library.latin
period: period.300to200BC
period: period.200to100BC
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.drama
subject: subject.comedy
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Author: Caecilius
Sort key: comedies
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.caecilius-plays.2022
Volume edition date: 20220101