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The Greek Anthology 6

Uri: /greek_anthology_6/1916/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.anonymous
library: library.greek
period: period.800to700BC
period: period.700to600BC
period: period.600to500BC
period: period.500to400BC
period: period.400to300BC
period: period.300to200BC
period: period.200to100BC
period: period.100BCto1AD
period: period.1to100AD
period: period.100to200AD
period: period.200to300AD
period: period.300to400AD
period: period.400to500AD
period: period.500to600AD
period: period.600to700AD
period: period.700to800AD
period: period.800to900AD
period: period.900to1000AD
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.christianity
subject: subject.elegiac
subject: subject.mathematics
subject: subject.satire
: tei-work
Volume number:
Volume title:
Sort key: greek anthology 00006
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.greek_anthology_6.1916
Volume edition date: 19160101

The Greek Anthology 7

Uri: /greek_anthology_7/1917/work.xml
Dctype: tei-work
author: author.anonymous
library: library.greek
period: period.800to700BC
period: period.700to600BC
period: period.600to500BC
period: period.500to400BC
period: period.400to300BC
period: period.300to200BC
period: period.200to100BC
period: period.100BCto1AD
period: period.1to100AD
period: period.100to200AD
period: period.200to300AD
period: period.300to400AD
period: period.400to500AD
period: period.500to600AD
period: period.600to700AD
period: period.700to800AD
period: period.800to900AD
period: period.900to1000AD
form: form.poetry
subject: subject.christianity
subject: subject.elegiac
subject: subject.mathematics
subject: subject.satire
Volume number:
Volume title:
Sort key: greek anthology 00007
Book order sort key:
Doi: 10.4159/DLCL.greek_anthology_7.1917
Volume edition date: 19170101